《海参2(Trepang2)》中的一些特殊成就是比较多的,快速思考(Think Fast)就是其中一个,而想要做这个任务的话只需要用闪光冲击杀死敌人就可以了,我建议用近战打一个呼噜声,用一把弱武器朝他的腿开枪。
Think Fast!
Kill an enemy with a flashbang impact
I have tested a lot of different things to try and make it work but just can't despite clearly killing enemies with a flashbang impact, it seems to just work randomly for some people.
To try going for this, I recommend hitting a grunt with a melee and shooting him in the leg with a weak weapon till he is close to death before throwing a flashbang.
Another thing I have seen suggested is to hit a grunt 1/2 times and then spam all your flashbangs till it dies.
I will update the section with a more consistent method once one is found.
上一篇: 《孙美琪疑案:故事》工地分尸案——道士
下一篇: 《幻兽帕鲁》栖息地不明的帕鲁去哪里找
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